? Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight

: ؟ !What do you think about this

 Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

This is the most famous sentence that Joker told to Batman when you first ask about Joker some one who knows him can tell you that…

That’s my idea about this sentence :

What do you feel when you are alone in a dark night under the moonlight ?  what about dancing with Devil under the pale moonlight? What do you feel?

I think Joker talks about when he scares

Joker talks about some thing special

I know what does the scare mean …

Im here to talk about a man who every one knows that he left this world

And I decided to to make him alive again…

Joker is a person who I found myself in his big bloody smile

It was a big question for me from when I first read about him that why should a person be such smart and how could it be …

Joker is the symbol of  being alive in times full of stress

he can return to his goal just with some thread and some knifes with different sizes !

He is laughing ! loud and louder all the time even when he scares when he is angry and that's so surprising for me in Joker's character 

He doesn’t care when he kills people and always explain about his bloody smile in different ways to every one that he wants to kill he always do anything he wants he just care about himself and he uses his mind more than technology and I think it makes him such wonderful

I planed to change some thing in me I need to keep my feelings just for mine and my real friends

I was so breakable because of my problems so I needed to change myself I started when I could know Joker more it was a start for me to laugh to anything exactly to my problems

This is all about the smart character call Joker who could teach me to laugh to anything